POST How To Write Successful Texts For Facebook Ads That Sell

How To Write Successful Texts For Facebook Ads That Sell

 The success of an ad on Facebook depends on many factors, such as the right audience, the choice of photo and the ideal bid. But in Facebook ads, as in all ads, their text plays a huge role. The competition is huge, so the user only takes a quick look at each ad that appears. This practically means that the text of the three lines should catch his attention so strongly that it will finally hold him for a little longer and finally make him click on it.

To increase the Click-Through-Rate (CTR) of the ad, ie the percentage of users who click on it, and ultimately the sales it will bring, follow the following rules that guarantee success without spending extra money.


The problem-solution structure

One trap, to which many advertisers fall, is to try in the little space they have to mention the main features of their product. But the secret in copywriting is not to stick to the description of the features, but to explain the advantages of what we sell. In short, to apply the problem-solution structure.

Take the example of an ad for a dog trainer. The trivial approach would be a style text: "With this training program, your dog learns by the method of positive stimuli to obey the basic commands". This is a text that briefly and comprehensively describes the service.

A better text, however, would be: “Does your dog fight with other dogs? With this training of positive stimuli he will learn to be in control, calm and confident ". The difference here is that the text started with the problem and immediately gave a specific solution to it.

Awaken emotions

It is an approach that can be applied to any ad and always has positive results. The point, of course, is to find out which emotion to invoke, which is not easy. In general, emotions can be divided into the following categories:


• Concern: It is the warm feeling we have when we care about other people, our family, animals, the environment, etc. Especially if the prospect is about to buy a product as a gift for his child or pet, it is the most appropriate feeling you can rely on.

• Innovation: It is the feeling when we discover something new. Great idea if your product offers an original solution to a problem that users are trying in vain to solve (eg original ways to gain backlinks in SEO effortlessly).

• Exclusivity: If you are addressing high level customers or promoting a service for a few members, then you must emphasize that what you offer is secret, concerns a few, etc.

• Greed: Everyone wants something more, so it is important to emphasize it in your ad. Anything that gives more time, money and energy to the prospective buyer serves this purpose, such as the text "Are you as efficient as you want in the gym? Why not lift even more pounds, run even faster? You can achieve this with dietary supplement… ".

• Trust: The need for security is one of the most basic human needs, so here the aim is to create a sense of trust in the brand or the specific product you are advertising. Reference to satisfied customers, testimonials, surveys, etc. is the vehicle for this goal.

• Curiosity: Curiosity is one of the most intense emotions that pushes users to click on a post. For example, "You'll be amazed at this easy trick to burn more fat on the treadmill."

Urgent: The sense of urgency is something that is suggested in most ads and Calls to Action. It is also associated with the well-known FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and is one of the most common emotions of the millennial generation with the plethora of opportunities. Language structures that help include: "Offer expires in 12 hours", "50% discount until stocks run out" and "Limited availability, catch up now"


Invoking logic

Depending on the audience you are addressing, it is often necessary to report specific data that proves that buying the product is a sensible decision. So, in addition to invoking emotion, it is good to have in the text evidence as well, such as research results and authoritative sources. Similarly, the text in a Facebook ad will also benefit from quantitative data (eg "Learn how to increase organic traffic to your site by 50% in 2 months), which show the user that you know the subject very well and you can bring tangible results.


Keep it minimal

The text in the Facebook ad should be as simple and concise as possible. Avoid unnecessary words as much as possible, as the space you have is limited. The goal is to get the message across clearly, so instead of an exuberant structure like "With these tips we've put together you'll be able to see your scales fall in line with the right supplements", the following sentence is much more convincing and elegant: "Watch your scales fall with our helpful tips and nutritional supplements we recommend."


Your competitive advantage

The text of the ad should never lack reference to what makes the product unique. Is it cheaper than the others? Higher quality? With better results and proven success? Does it offer more variety? Does it come from a high-end brand? Knowing and emphasizing your competitive advantage is, after all, something necessary in everything you do in marketing.

Call to Action

At the end of the text, it is more effective to push the user to do something specific. It goes without saying that the action he has to take is to click on the ad, but it is good to emphasize it with phrases like "Watch the video to learn more", "Buy them now before they run out" etc.

Pay attention to the title

The title in Facebook Ads is not necessary, as is the text, but this only applies from a technical point of view. In fact, the title field gives you even more opportunities to grab the reader's attention. It may not be as important as the text as the first thing the reader sees, but why not use it. In it, you can further emphasize your offers, the advantages of your product and brand or add Call to Action.